Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Top 5 Carpool Karaoke Picks

Hello everyone and welcome to today's post. I have this habit of going on these "YouTube" kicks - meaning I'll start watching a type of video and then I'll have to watch every video related to it. Well, my latest obsession is the Carpool Karaoke series with James Corden. First off, let me just say James Corden is hilarious and in these videos he'll have you actually laughing out loud.

And while this series is part of his TV show, the Late Late Show with James Corden, I would totally watch this as a stand alone series. It's music artists trapped in a car with James Corden singing along to their biggest hits. What can get better than that?

So, in honor of my new obsession I've taken the time to come up with a list of my top 5 Carpool Karaoke picks.

Let's jump in and start with #5, shall we >>>>>>>

5. Adele

Adele is an amazing singer, this is true, but did you know she's a pretty good rapper. On her Carpool ride we learned that she was an avid Spice Girls fan, was heartbroken when Ginger Spice left the group, and can actually hold her on in a rap off. So not only does she have killer pipes she's got a decent flow. Who knew?

4. Jennifer Lopez

J. Lo is known for a lot of things: hit singles, being a serial dater and awesome dancer, and of course the toosh. But did you know she's friends with almost all of Hollywood and apparently has all of their cell numbers. James took the opportunity to text one of her famous friends, Leonardo Dicaprio. Let's just say Leo was all for going to the club with J. Lo.

3. Selena Gomez

I had no idea that Selena Gomez was as fun as she is until I watched this video. I mean she made James Corden sing on a rollercoaster, 'nough said, folks. She was really down to earth and what made her even more relatable - she ate some McDonald's. That alone gave her major points with me.

2. Pink

I love Pink so when I saw that she was latest celeb to do the Carpool I couldn't wait to watch it. And trust me, I wasn't disappointed. I learned some stuff about Pink. She went on a date with Joey Fatone from N*Sync and had a major crush on Jon Bon Jovi when she was a kid. He broke her heart by getting married. And to top it off she taught James Corden that she actually can sing better upside down.

Last but definitely not least my favorite Carpool Karaoke has to be - hands down -

1. Sam Smith and Fifth Harmony

Oh my gosh! I've watched this video 2x and I love it so much. Sam Smith is one of my favorite singers of all time and to see him fangirling over Fifth Harmony made me laugh out loud. If you haven't seen this video I highly have to recommend it.

So, now you know my top 5 Carpool Karaoke picks, so the question is: What's yours?



Tuesday, November 28, 2017

My Favorite Cosmetics: Drugstore Edition

So I saw this YouTube video of a girl giving a rundown of her favorite drugstore (or High Street if you're in the UK) products and I thought that was an excellent idea. She basically just showed the products she used the most that could be bought for a drugstore price. And I thought to myself, "How awesome is that?"

So .... I decided to do a little list up of my own.

I started this blog partly because I wanted to share and learn about fashion/beauty products that wouldn't break the bank because I believed (and still believe) that fashion and makeup should be accessible to everyone regardless of their bank account.

So this list consists of all the products I currently use, have repurchased multiple times, and would definitely recommend.

Disclaimer: All product prices listed below are the current prices for November 2017 and may vary in future and/or at different retailers. 

Hope you enjoy!

Foundation - Rimmel London Stay Matte Foundation

This foundation is the best drugstore foundation I've found for oily skin. It keeps my face looking flawlessly oil free and covers blemishes well. It helps minimize my pores with it's mousse-like consistency and glides on easily with a foundation brush.

My Shade: Light Nude
Average Price: $4.97

Concealer - Maybelline Fit Me Concealer

The Maybelline Fit Me Concealer is one of the best concealers on the market - drugstore or high end. It's a light formula and it has a good range of colors so almost any skin tone is covered.

My Shade:  Sand
Average Price: $5.48



Powder - Maybelline Dream Wonder Powder

The Dream Wonder Powder from Maybelline is a must-have for me. Since I have oily skin I tend to lean towards powders that promise a matte finish. The Dream Wonder Powder does that and so much more. When applied with a light hand it controls oil while helping your skin to still look like skin.

My Shade: Naked
Average Price: $8.18

Bronzer - Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer

Physicians Formula have done a cosmetic miracle- they created a drugstore bronzer that actually smells great and works as well as a high end bronzer. It smells like coconut lotion and applies really smoothly. It's not too orange or brown so it doesn't make your face look muddy but compliments your complexion well with natural-looking definition. My go-to drugstore bronzers for sure.

My Shade: Light
Average Price: $13.23

Blush - Milani Baked Blush

While the drugstore has a good selection of really good blushes my favorite has to be Milani's Baked Blushes. They have an assortment of colors and apply seamlessly. Plus they stay on my oily skin the longest so that's always a plus in my book.

 My Shade: Luminoso
Average Price: $6.99


Highlighter - Wet N Wild Highlighter

I find Wet N Wild's highlighters to be just as good as some high end highlighters I've tried. The formula is top notch, soft, and gives you a nice amount of shine for your buck. It's very buildable if you're into beaming highlighting. Plus, they have a few different colors that compliments all skin tones.

My Shade: Precious Petals
Average Price: $4.99


Eye Shadow Base - NYX Eye Shadow Base

NYX is known for offering professional products at a drugstore price. And while I love a lot of their products I find that I can't live without their eye shadow base. I just apply it to my eye lids with my ring finger before I put on my eye shadow and it lasts all day.

My Shade: Skin Tone
Average Price: $6.99

Lipstick - Rimmel Moisture Renew Lipstick

Rimmel's Moisture Renew Lipsticks are amazing. They make my lips feel soft and the color stays on pretty good throughout the day. Yes, it will come off if you're drinking something and yes, you will have to reapply, but I really like the formula and the color selection is great. So not a bad choice for a drugstore lippie.

My Shade: Piccadilly Pink
Average Price: $6.49

So now you know my top drugstore picks. Now, it's your turn. If any of you have any drugstore products that you really love or suggest I use please leave it in the comments.

Until next time . . .




Monday, November 27, 2017

Greetings from Thanksgiving 2017

Happy belated Thanksgiving, everyone. I hope you all had a lovely one. My family and I sure did. We cooked, we ate, we took naps, and we ate again. Pretty much the same thing we do every Thanksgiving. But this year we mixed it up a little bit and had Thanksgiving at my mom's house. Usually, we spend the holiday at my grandpa's house but this year we tried something different and it turned out great.


We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade while we cooked.

We had the traditional Thanksgiving dishes: Mom made the yams, I made the green bean casserole and mac-n-cheese. Denis smoked a ham and it was delicious and Mom cooked the turkey, which kind of fell apart but still tasted great.


Here's some pics of us right before we dug in >>>>>

So all in all it was a great day. We were thankful that God blessed us to see another Thanksgiving and we trust He'll bless us with many, many more.
So, from my family to yours >>>>>



Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Makeup Launch I'm Really Excited About: Too Faced


Ladies and gents, Too Faced Cosmetics has launched a new holiday collection I can't wait to get my hands on. It's called The Chocolate Gold Collection and if you're interested in a sneak peek click the link below:

The Chocolate Gold Eye Shadow Palette releases on 11/28/17 but entire collection doesn't release until 12/18/17. The collection includes a new bronzer, glitter eyeliners, a new Melted Latex Gold lip gloss, a new eye shadow palette, and a brand new highlighter.

I'm most excited for the shadow palette, of course, but the Diamond Highlighter has really caught my eye too. I mean look at it >>>>>

This unicorn dream wonder is calling my name.
Definitely can't wait to check this collection out when it hits stores.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

My Latest Obsession: Stranger Things

Hello, everyone and welcome to today's post. After Downton Abbey wrapped up there was a void in my TV watching life. And while there are a few shows I watched for distraction one had yet to really catch my attention - until now.

I'd heard plenty of good things about Netflix's "Stranger Things" and when I'd watched the trailer on YouTube it had kind of intrigued me because it seemed a little vague. I currently don't have Netflix so I didn't give much thought about watching it. But then I stumbled across the DVD box set at Target (which is pretty awesome because it the packaging looks like an old VHS tape) and I couldn't resist. I picked it up and then Denis and I proceeded to binge watch it and get totally addicted.

This has now become our new favorite show and while it's definitely not Downton Abbey it's just as entertaining and mind-absorbing a different way. It's been around since 2016 but I'm (of course) just joining the Stranger Things bandwagon because as usual I'm little late on things (hence the name of this blog). But now that I've been introduced to the Stranger Things world I can't wait to see Season 2.

So in honor of my newfound love of this show I came up 3 things I absolutely love about it >>>>>

1. The Setting

For those of you who don't know the show takes place in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana in the early 1980s. From the outside the town looks like your everyday, average, American small town, but trust me, this is not the kind of town you'd want to visit. There's a creepy CIA/military type lab in the woods that's doing some pretty crazy experiments with this little girl named Eleven.

Personally, I still really liked the look of the show. It made me feel like I was watching an 80s movie - which is what the directors was going for. You can tell by watching the show that they worked hard to keep the look authentic and in my opinion they captured the feel and look of the 80s.

2. The Monsters

In the town of Hawkins there's this weird, humanoid monster that stalks the woods and snatches living things to feed on in this strange otherworld called the "Upside Down."
The thing is super creepy because it doesn't have a face - just a lot of mouths and rows of teeth. It's drawn by blood and kidnaps not 1 but 2 kids in Hawkins. And while the monster in the woods angle caught my attention I really liked the fact that the monster wasn't always the monster in the woods.

Meaning . . . sometimes the monster was Eleven - when her powers got out of control - and other times it was the mysterious Dr. Brenner at Hawkins Lab. He was just weird all the way around. The writers did a good job of keeping you guessing.

And while the show had a great storyline to me the story could not have come to life without the awesome cast, which is why my last favorite thing about this show is >>>>

3. The Characters

The characters of this show are definitely unique. I mean there's girl with telekinetic powers and a shaved head, can't get more unique than that. But other than Eleven there's a whole bunch of interesting people in Hawkins. Like the boys who hide and befriend Eleven: Mike, Lucas, and Dustin. They started out as ordinary geeky middle schoolers but by the end of the first season they're bonafide monster hunters. My favorite was Dustin because he was always the most logical and kind of reminded me of koala bear for some reason.

You couldn't have a show without these guys. I mean, if their friend, Will, hadn't disappeared in episode 1 none of this would have kicked off.

Then there's Jonathan and Nancy (who we all know are totally going to fall in love). They're not your average Romeo and Juliet - she's straight-laced and he's a bit of a social outcast - but they grow closer as they try and find her friend Barb and Jonathan's brother, Will. While tracking the town monster they learn some interesting things about each other.

Even the adults were pretty awesome. Winona Ryder plays Joyce, Will's mom, and while it may look like she's cracking up she turns out to be on to something. And as for Hopper - he's one of the coolest TV cops I've ever seen. He gets the job done even if he has to break into places or break someone's nose. He's one-of-a-kind.

All in all, this show is a must-see and I would totally recommend it to anyone who's looking for a show to escape into.

So, now that you know my favorite things about Stranger Things what are yours? Feel free to leave it in the comments below.

Until next time . . . .




Monday, November 20, 2017

What I'm Most Thankful For

With Thanksgiving less than 10 days away I thought I should take the time to reflect on what I'm most thankful for. And while there are a million little things (my sight, my ability to hear and walk, my home, etc.) there a few bigger things and/or people who stand out more to me.
So, in honor of our upcoming Turkey Day here's quick list of the 5 things I'm most thankful for >>>>>

5. Life

I've learned that every day is truly a gift and what you do with that gift is up to you. So many people never take the time to appreciate that their alive - that they woke up another day. There are countless people in the world who will spend this holiday season missing loved ones who've gone on. So don't take life for granted and don't waste it by wanting what everyone else has - because in the end all that really matters is this: the people you knew and how you touched their lives.


4. My Church

I don't just mean the building - I mean the people in it. The church is so much more than bricks and pews - it's the body of Christ - and I'm thankful for my church family. They pray for me and encourage me. And no matter what I know I can go to them for help and prayer. If you don't have a church family I would highly recommend finding one. It's really nice to know you have people praying for you.

3. My Family

Can I just say that I have the best mom in the world (and I might be a little bit biased) but I truly feel like she's the best mom I could ever ask for. She loves me unconditionally and even when I get on her nerves she still puts up with me. No matter what I know she'll always have my back. As for my dad, I'm thankful he's in my life too. He has one of the biggest hearts in the world and he's taught me a lot about the importance of helping others and making a difference in little ways. They're both amazing people and I'm grateful to have them as parents.
Mom & Me
Dear old Dad
I also am blessed with wonderful grandparents who love me no matter what. Even though my grandma is gone now I thank God for every minute I got to spend with her and I'll never forget all the things she taught me. Her and grandpa are like my second parents and I'm thankful God blessed me with them.
Grandma & Grandpa
I also have an uncle who I love dearly. Life wouldn't be the same without Uncle Terry. He's taught me how to accept life as it is and to roll with the punches - a lesson I am truly grateful for.
Uncle Terry
 And now that I've gotten married my family just keeps extending.

2. My Husband 

Denis & Me
I thank God every day for blessing me with Denis. He's a really good man with a really good heart and that's one of the many reasons I love him. We're not just husband and wife, we're best friends, and my life is better because he's in it. I'm honored to be his wife and I'm thankful for every moment we share.
And while my husband is very important to me there's one man that I'm even more grateful to have in my life >>>>


1. Jesus

I don't even want to think about where I'd be without Jesus. He's the source of my strength, peace, and love. He has taught me and still teaches me so much about how life is supposed to be lived - abundantly. He has stood by my side even in the darkest of times, even when I felt like I had no one, He was still there. And His faithfulness just makes me love Him more.
Well, that's my list. Short and sweet.

Now it's your turn. What are you most thankful for this year?

