Tuesday, January 23, 2018

5 Reasons to Love "The Greatest Showman"

Nothing brightens my day more than going to see a good movie. To me a good movie can take me away, make me forget my problems, and put a smile on my face. So as you can imagine I do a lot of research before Denis (my husband) and I go to the movies. When there's a movie we want to see I'll Google everything I can about it - from the actors' bios to the directors' information to where the movie was shot - just to see if it's something we'd actually want to pay money for to watch.

Well, on Christmas night Denis and I headed to the movies and for the first time in forever I hadn't researched any of the films that were showing. So, on a whim, we got tickets to "The Greatest Showman" (completely unaware of what it was about) and history was made . . . 

As soon as the lights went down and the previews were done the first song - "The Greatest Show" came on and we were hooked for the rest of the time. For those of you who don't know it's loosely based on P. T. Barnum - one of the founders of the Barnum & Bailey Circus. Hugh Jackman plays P.T. and we get to see his rise to fame and fortune, his crashing and burning (literally), and then his rise out of the ashes as he realizes that everything he really needed had been in front of him the whole time.   
But just in case you haven't seen it (which most of you likely have by now), I came up with a quick list of 5 Reasons to Love "The Greatest Showman."
Enjoy >>>>>
5. It Has Awesome Dance Numbers

Who doesn't love an awesome dance number? I know I sure do and this movie didn't disappoint. From the opening number to the more serious ones there was a dance to match.
My absolute favorite one was the "Rewrite the Stars" number with Zac Efron and Zendaya. I mean they literally flew across the room hanging from the ceiling. But to be fair that was more acrobatics than dancing. But I don't even care because I enjoyed it anyway and who knew Hugh Jackman was so light on his feet?
4. The Costumes Were Gorgeous
Gorgeous costumes are a must for any good movie. And just because this movie was supposed to be set in the late 1800s doesn't mean that the costumes had to be drab. The costumer designer(s) on this film brought life into the costumes by using bright colors and beautiful fabrics for the Barnum family and circus performers.
3. The Soundtrack is the Business
Click this link to hear the entire soundtrack >>

Can I just say that the music on this movie was incredible? Denis and I were both surprised to find out that this movie was a musical - and we were even more surprised when we found out that we actually liked all the songs. This soundtrack makes me smile. I honestly can say that this was one of the best original musicals I've seen in a long time. Our favorite song is "A Million Dreams." It's just the best. Feel free to click the box below and listen to it on YouTube. 

2. Zac Efron Was In It

Who cares if Zac Efron was in it, you may say. It's just Zac Efron. But need I remind you that High School Musical was one the main reasons our society fell in love with Zac in the first place. Also, this was his first musical since Hairspray and I don't know why but there's just something undeniably likeable about Zac Efron singing and dancing across the silver screen.

1. It Emphasized Self-Acceptance & Acceptance of Others Which is Never A Bad Thing

Keala Settle (she played the Bearded Lady) brought the house down when she sang "This is Me" because she reminded audiences everywhere that we should never be ashamed of who we are. (You can follow her on Twitter here.) Honestly, I feel like there's not enough shows and movies that endorse self-acceptance and the acceptance of others - but this movie definitely did.

Watching this film I was reminded that every single person is beautiful and unique in their own way and they have wonderful things to bring to the table because they have a different point of view. And that we shouldn't look down on people just because they're different than us. We should appreciate them.

All in all this movie was amazing - definitely one of the best I'd seen in 2017 - and Denis and I can't wait to buy it when it comes out on Blu-Ray later this year. So, if you're looking for a movie that'll keep you singing, make you want to dance, and brighten your day definitely check out the "The Greatest Showman." You'll be glad you did.

Until next time . . .




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