Thursday, November 16, 2017

An Unexpected Date Night

After a long day at work I headed over to Walmart to do some last minute grocery shopping. I always go into Walmart with the assumption that I'll only be a few minutes and that I'll only pick up a few things but that never goes as planned. So, after a buggy load later and a very long wait at the pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions I got a call from my husband, Denis.

He was in town and wanted to know if I wanted to meet up at our favorite Chinese place for an impromptu date.
Well, you can imagine my face when I heard this suggestion. Actually, you don't have to imagine too hard because I snapped a selfie >>>>>
So off to Chinese place we went and enjoyed a great buffet dinner and what started out as a normal night turned into a date night. On top of that when we got our fortune cookies for once my fortune actually came true.

All in all, it was a good night and we had a good time. It doesn't take much to make us happy and I find we're the happiest when we take time to appreciate the little things in life - like sharing a meal with your best friend and enjoying some good conversation.


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