Monday, December 11, 2017

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas 'Round Here

Merry, merry Christmas everyone! Hopefully your holiday is bright and you're all in good health. Denis and I have been doing some Christmas decorating around the house. This year - and for the first time ever - we have a white Christmas tree. Denis picked it out and he loves the color blue, so it was no surprise when he came home from the store with a blue-lighted tree.
Usually we go for a real tree from Lowe's but this year we decided to do something different.
So grab a cup of hot chocolate, snuggle up, and let's take a tour of our Christmas tree.
We originally wanted to get a red or silver angel or even a star but we've yet to do that so we've settled on a football helmet that was on Denis' desk at work. He coaches high school football so it was kind of a nice touch to have the topper be a helmet from the school he coaches at.
Now on to my favorite part of the tree >>>>> the ornaments

Since the tree is white I had to figure out which color ornaments wouldn't clash with it. So, or course, I turned to Pinterest and Google (the usual places I go for decorating inspiration) and was overwhelmed with blue and silver trees. Just by chance I found a picture of a white tree with red and black ornaments and that's what I decided on.
So our tree is red, black, and rustic. It has deer ornaments and little houses and even a little coyote that Denis picked up from the Bass Pro Shop at the Boardwalk in Shreveport.
I couldn't resist picking up Denis and me a special ornament for our first Christmas as husband and wife.

So now that you've seen our tree let me see yours. Feel free to leave me a picture of your Christmas tree in the comments below.
Until next time . . . .


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