Wednesday, February 14, 2018

My Mushy-Gushy Valentine's Day Post

Hello, everybody, and Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you're all having a wonderful day. I'd promised myself I wouldn't get all sappy on this holiday but the closer we got to it the sappier I became.

Blame on hormones or all the romantic comedies I've been watching lately but I wanted to take the time to leave a Love Day shout out to my best friend and love of my - my husband, Denis.

Denis and I have been together three years in May and to be honest, neither Denis nor myself were looking for a relationship. We were introduced through a mutual friend and I'll never forget what I told her when she asked me to meet him: "Thanks but no thanks. I'm not looking to date anyone right now." Funnily enough, Denis told her the same thing. But God intervened and the rest is history.

For the first month of our relationship we just texted. Then we started talking and I basically asked him a million questions. He likes to call this time my "Interrogation Period." Anyway, we met in person for the first time at our friend's house and got on really well. I thought he was really kind and he told me later that he thought I was funny and liked my hair. Things seemed to getting off to a good start . . . until he asked me on a date . . .

He asked and I said no. I figured that if I said no and he reacted badly I'd dodged a bullet. He figured I was just trying to play hard to get. But sure enough he asked me again a few days later and this time I said yes and I'm so glad I did.

We've learned a lot about each other these last few years and now that we're married we're still learning. From road trips to hunting and fishing trips, we always have a good time when we're together. He's taught me a lot about myself in a short amount of time. Things like hunting isn't so bad and football might actually be a little interesting. I mean, before Denis I never would have put on camo and headed for a deer stand in the woods or watched the Super Bowl, but now I don't mind doing those things.

I think I've taught him some things too - like Downton Abbey is not a boring show and that yes, we do need 20 pillows on the bed - but even more importantly he says I taught him about Jesus and how to walk with Him every day.

I've learned that love - real, true love - is not a feeling, it's an action. The Apostle Paul gave us the most beautiful definition of love in his letter to the Corinthians. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says this:

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

When we take the focus off ourselves and put our focus on Jesus, He'll show us the real way to love others.

I'm very thankful that God blessed me with not only a husband as kind and patient as Denis but with someone who's also a really good friend. I know that no matter what happens, Denis will have my back and I'll have his. We've been through ups and downs and we've seen our fair share of hills and valleys but the Lord always gets us through it. And He hasn't failed yet.

So we wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day. Whether you're spending with your best friends or your significant other, take the time to tell someone you love them today. You never know how much those three little words can brighten their day.

Until next time . . .




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